Thursday, June 14, 2007

Three beautiful feelings!

1> Having a hearty South-Indian meal over the weekend at MahaBhoj, Matunga (Fellow-foodies, you gotta check it out !)
2> A toddler sleeping peacefully in my arms :)
3> The feeling before Friday!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Holiday next!

I need a break.....Yes I do.....and its soooo desperately needed!
Just yesterday, a friend told me he was off for a 21-day holiday to his home town and a jealous (actually) feeling ran through!
So…what should be my destination next…any suggestions??

Friday, May 18, 2007

Three beautiful sights I saw yesterday :)

1> The smile on my cute (I could not find a better adjective) niece’s face as she dropped in with her family to give us a surprise :)
2> Mangoes, mangoes and more mangoes (I ACTUALLY miss them a lot once they go away! :D )
3> The best(est) view of Bombay, as viewed from Hotel Taj Mahal Palace & Tower’s Rooftop Rendezvous

Thursday, April 05, 2007

To blog or not to blog...

Do I or don't I? The dilemma as to what can be shared about your life or rather what can be spilled over in your blog prevails.
I have read quite a few blogs which probably reveal a little too much about a person's life and I don't think it's always a good idea.
Even when we start to write fiction, we sometimes tend to jot down our views or taint the story with happenings around us. Or in a way the story gets "inspired" from events around us...something that has caught our attention.
Just last week, I wrote a blog…something that came straight from my heart, and then I wasn't too sure if I was willing to share it with the world at large.
I ended up sharing the blog with a few select friends, though I think it's a topic worth discussing with the world. But in the process, it would also impact my privacy.
So...I often wind up thinking do I spill the beans or do I keep them to myself. Do you?

Friday, March 09, 2007


Not too sure what I want to jot down here…..but as the tag of this blog goes…its my random thoughts!
Every week, by the time its Thursday, I await Friday! And once it is Friday, it sounds like weekend chores await me!
As I sit to jot down my to-do list for the weekend, I actually am thinking…was I REALLY waiting for it?
Thanks to the procrastinator in me, this time it seems to be all packed with lot many chores to attend to and not much time to hang out with friends, go the (usual) random shopping! :(
And by the time, I will have time for my own self, its going to be Sunday eve.. And isn’t that when the Monday blues just set in?? Ouch Ouch….